Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Luke woke up this morning with pain/tingling in both of his lower legs. I called Dr. Rozzelle's nurse but didn't hear back from her until this evening around 5. She said the pain is due to the compression of Luke's spinal cord. This symptom is NOT due to the permanent damage on his spinal cord, but rather, from the compression on his spinal cord from his C1 vertebrae. She scheduled us to come in tomorrow at 12:30. At tomorrow's appmt, we will set a date for Luke's surgery (likely to be early next week) and get all of the pre-op stuff done (blood work, history/physical, etc). We plan to explain the surgery and halo to Luke a day before the surgery. He is a worrier and will dwell on it and fret over it, so we think it best to tell him right before it happens. We have found a great website that talks about the halo and living with a halo. If you'd like to check it out, here it is:

Please pray for us as we begin this journey.
Til next time, ~Amy

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