Monday, March 15, 2010

Week 1- Completed!

I successfully completed my first week of working out on my treadmill! I feel so good about it! And, although I know this will be a slow and gradual process, I can already tell my body is getting into shape. Physically, I feel more comfortable and mentally, I feel good about myself. This is so exciting!

On a potty training note, Drew is doing great! He's totally motivated by M&M's and even making bubbles in the toilet... LOL! Hopefully, by the end of this week, diapers will only be used at night time.

I am meeting up with my friend Kelty (who lives in NC) in Savannah this weekend to see 2 of our friends, Becky and Sarah. Becky just moved there from here and I really miss her!!!! Sarah has lived in Savannah for about a year now... She's preggers with twins, a boy and a girl. Her hubby is deployed and she's raising an 18month old. What a handful!  I'm really looking forward to this weekend. It's the first time I'll be away from all my kids and husband for a whole weekend! What a treat this will be! Hopefully, I'll have some great pics to share when I get back.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

One of my goals for 2010

I've just begun working on one of my goals for 2010. I want to lose weight. I know. I've said this about a million times. BUT, I just got a new treadmill and I really like it! My goal is to get on it 2x's a day for 30 minutes.

This is the one we got and it has a fan that blows in your face! LOVE IT! Also, I can get these little 'ifit' things to plug into it and  it'll do some kind of training with me. How cool is that?!? I haven't used it yet, but I will soon!

Also, I've started a low-fat diet (thanks to my hubby and son having high cholesterol), so that should only help me out! I don't have a goal weight... which maybe I should. But, my main goal is to lead a healthier lifestyle. :0)
I've also just started potty training my 2 1/2 yr old. I LOATHE, HATE, DESPISE potty training. So far it hasn't been the terrible experience it was with my first son, but it still sucks! We are going potty every 10-15 minutes. YUCK! I have to look to the end of the week and hope that I will have a potty-trained child and he will no longer be wearing diapers! Now that is one BIG YAY!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Most Wonderful Place on Earth...

Yesterday, the kids and I took my brother- and sister-in-law to the most wonderful place on earth: McClelland's Critters. We had a wonderful time feeding the one-hump camel, Henry, lots of goats, the bison and cows, and miniature horses.
After we fed the animals, we were guided by Mr. Mike, the owner. He showed us Simba, the African Lion, and the 2 Lionesses

He also has beautiful Siberean Tigers

The sweetest most adorable animal there was a 2 week old baby Black Bear! We got to hold him and he was ADORABLE!!!

We will definately be going back as soon as possible! There is a mountain lion, tiger, and monkey that will all be having babies soon, too! I can't wait to see them! If you have an opportunity to go to McClelland's Critters, you should definately go!

Mr. Mike hand feeds his animals and has a lot of interaction with them! He  has such a love and respect for the animals and it's evident by the way these creatures respond to him!
Ok, so now that you know how much I LOVE McClellands ;0)...

I made the cinnamon rolls out of my new cookbook. They were a huge hit and I'll be making TONS more to store in the freezer for weekend treats and to give to deserving loved ones! :0)

MM...mmm....MM good!

This past week, my hubby's brother and his wife came from Maryland to visit us! We had a wonderful time. We visited the Aviation Museum at Ft. Rucker, went to McClellands Critters, and I tried out lots of new recipes on them... They were good sports and liked just about everything I cooked! It was a fun time and we look forward to visiting with them again!